Codebase growth between Drupal 6, 7 and 8
In 2010 I made a post to Calculate the size of the Drupal codebase by comparing lines of PHP, JavaScript, and CSS code between Drupal 6 and 7. This is a follow-up that adds Drupal 8 to the comparison matrix.
The main takeaway is that the code grew almost exponentially between Drupal 6
and Drupal 8. Drupal 8 has introduced a wide array of new file types that
Drupal 6 and 7 did not have, including Twig templates. Please note that I did
not include Twig in the table below. Sadly, a pure 1-to-1 mapping from PHP
Template files to Twig cannot be done because the PHP row includes tpl.php
in Drupal 6 and 7. (Suggestions welcome as to how to break these apart.)
Codebase growth matrix
The following table outlines the codebase growth between the three versions of Drupal.
Criteria | Drupal 6.20 | Drupal 7.0 | Drupal 8.0.0 |
PHP files | 204 | 484 | 8,413 |
Javascript files | 23 | 84 | 483 |
CSS files | 59 | 116 | 268 |
YAML files | - | - | 1,564 |
Markdown files | - | - | 138 |
Ignored files | 15 | 33 | 662 |
Total files | 345 | 852 | 12,141 |
PHP comments | 22,792 | 79,315 | 422,131 |
JS comments | 936 | 2,808 | 15,760 |
CSS comments | 409 | 1,098 | 2,151 |
Total comments | 24,182 | 83,224 | 449,797 |
PHP lines of code | 48,091 | 161,322 | 629,420 |
JS lines of code | 2,347 | 5,085 | 25,646 |
CSS lines of code | 4,305 | 8,909 | 14,911 |
Total lines of code | 55,410 | 178,290 | 769,248 |
3rd Gen Equivalent | 178,130.60 | 589,530.79 | 2,381,531.67 |
Note: The cloc documentation page says that the 3rd gen. equiv. value should be “taken with a large grain of salt.”
How I came about these numbers
Thanks to this post comparing Django to Rails for inspiration back in 2010, the basic procedure is to download and install cloc a command line tool that calculate lines of code, comments, etc.
1. Install cloc
If you’re on a mac, you can use Homebrew to install cloc.
$ brew install cloc
$ cloc --version
2. Download Drupal 6.20, 7.0, 8.0.0
Use drush version 8 or lower to download drupal 6, 7 and 8. For Drupal 6 and 7 I’m using the same versions that I used back in the 2010 post.
$ drush dl drupal-6.20
$ drush dl drupal-7.0
$ drush dl drupal-8.0.0
3. Calculate lines of code of Drupal 6
$ cloc --force-lang=PHP,install --force-lang=PHP,module --force-lang=PHP,inc --force-lang=PHP,test --force-lang=PHP,profile --force-lang=Make,info -3 drupal-6.20/
345 text files.
345 unique files.
15 files ignored. v 1.53 T=1.0 s (330.0 files/s, 87353.0 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code scale 3rd gen. equiv
PHP 204 6819 22792 48091 x 3.50 = 168318.50
CSS 59 457 409 4305 x 1.00 = 4305.00
Javascript 23 356 936 2347 x 1.48 = 3473.56
make 39 78 0 406 x 2.50 = 1015.00
Bourne Shell 4 25 3 134 x 3.81 = 510.54
Perl 1 26 42 127 x 4.00 = 508.00
SUM: 330 7761 24182 55410 x 3.21 = 178130.60
4. Calculate lines of code of Drupal 7
$ cloc --force-lang=PHP,install --force-lang=PHP,module --force-lang=PHP,inc --force-lang=PHP,test --force-lang=PHP,profile --force-lang=Make,info -3 drupal-7.0/
852 text files.
847 unique files.
33 files ignored. v 1.53 T=9.0 s (90.8 files/s, 31723.2 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code scale 3rd gen. equiv
PHP 484 21962 79315 161322 x 3.50 = 564627.00
CSS 116 810 1098 8909 x 1.00 = 8909.00
Javascript 84 815 2808 5085 x 1.48 = 7525.80
make 108 226 0 1363 x 2.50 = 3407.50
Bourne Shell 8 172 3 1060 x 3.81 = 4038.60
XML 12 3 0 441 x 1.90 = 837.90
HTML 3 4 0 69 x 1.90 = 131.10
ASP.Net 1 3 0 40 x 1.29 = 51.60
SQL 1 0 0 1 x 2.29 = 2.29
SUM: 817 23995 83224 178290 x 3.31 = 589530.79
4. Calculate lines of code of Drupal 8
For the Drupal 8 calculation, I used generally the same cloc configuration that was used form Drupal 7, deciding against spending more time to figure out which of the 662 files were ignored and why.
$ cloc --force-lang=PHP,install --force-lang=PHP,module --force-lang=PHP,inc --force-lang=PHP,test --force-lang=PHP,profile --force-lang=Make,info -3 drupal-8.0.0/
12141 text files.
11897 unique files.
662 files ignored.
1 error:
Line count, exceeded timeout: drupal-8.0.0/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/fixtures/drupal6.php v 1.80 T=47.56 s (242.0 files/s, 28795.7 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code scale 3rd gen. equiv
PHP 8413 137594 422131 629420 x 3.50 = 2202970.00
YAML 1564 2149 1499 62912 x 0.90 = 56620.80
JavaScript 483 5189 15760 25646 x 1.48 = 37956.08
CSS 268 761 2151 14911 x 1.00 = 14911.00
Markdown 138 3722 0 11493 x 1.00 = 11493.00
JSON 113 27 0 9447 x 2.50 = 23617.50
Twig 444 312 8192 6429 x 2.00 = 12858.00
XSD 7 110 28 3129 x 1.90 = 5945.10
XML 36 19 9 2415 x 1.90 = 4588.50
Bourne Shell 14 290 0 2289 x 3.81 = 8721.09
Ant 12 102 0 663 x 1.90 = 1259.70
C 1 52 8 223 x 0.77 = 171.71
HTML 7 4 0 86 x 1.90 = 163.40
PO File 4 27 0 85 x 1.50 = 127.50
m4 1 11 11 41 x 1.00 = 41.00
C/C++ Header 1 12 8 40 x 1.00 = 40.00
make 2 8 0 18 x 2.50 = 45.00
SQL 1 0 0 1 x 2.29 = 2.29
SUM: 11509 150389 449797 769248 x 3.10 = 2381531.67