Codebase growth between Drupal 6, 7 and 8

In 2010 I made a post to Calculate the size of the Drupal codebase by comparing lines of PHP, JavaScript, and CSS code between Drupal 6 and 7. This is a follow-up that adds Drupal 8 to the comparison matrix.


The main takeaway is that the code grew almost exponentially between Drupal 6 and Drupal 8. Drupal 8 has introduced a wide array of new file types that Drupal 6 and 7 did not have, including Twig templates. Please note that I did not include Twig in the table below. Sadly, a pure 1-to-1 mapping from PHP Template files to Twig cannot be done because the PHP row includes tpl.php in Drupal 6 and 7. (Suggestions welcome as to how to break these apart.)

Codebase growth matrix

The following table outlines the codebase growth between the three versions of Drupal.

Criteria Drupal 6.20 Drupal 7.0 Drupal 8.0.0
PHP files 204 484 8,413
Javascript files 23 84 483
CSS files 59 116 268
YAML files - - 1,564
Markdown files - - 138
Ignored files 15 33 662
Total files 345 852 12,141
PHP comments 22,792 79,315 422,131
JS comments 936 2,808 15,760
CSS comments 409 1,098 2,151
Total comments 24,182 83,224 449,797
PHP lines of code 48,091 161,322 629,420
JS lines of code 2,347 5,085 25,646
CSS lines of code 4,305 8,909 14,911
Total lines of code 55,410 178,290 769,248
3rd Gen Equivalent 178,130.60 589,530.79 2,381,531.67

Note: The cloc documentation page says that the 3rd gen. equiv. value should be “taken with a large grain of salt.”

How I came about these numbers

Thanks to this post comparing Django to Rails for inspiration back in 2010, the basic procedure is to download and install cloc a command line tool that calculate lines of code, comments, etc.

1. Install cloc

If you’re on a mac, you can use Homebrew to install cloc.

$ brew install cloc
$ cloc --version

2. Download Drupal 6.20, 7.0, 8.0.0

Use drush version 8 or lower to download drupal 6, 7 and 8. For Drupal 6 and 7 I’m using the same versions that I used back in the 2010 post.

$ drush dl drupal-6.20
$ drush dl drupal-7.0
$ drush dl drupal-8.0.0

3. Calculate lines of code of Drupal 6

$ cloc --force-lang=PHP,install --force-lang=PHP,module --force-lang=PHP,inc --force-lang=PHP,test --force-lang=PHP,profile --force-lang=Make,info -3 drupal-6.20/
     345 text files.
     345 unique files.
      15 files ignored. v 1.53  T=1.0 s (330.0 files/s, 87353.0 lines/s)
Language          files     blank   comment      code    scale   3rd gen. equiv
PHP                 204      6819     22792     48091 x   3.50 =      168318.50
CSS                  59       457       409      4305 x   1.00 =        4305.00
Javascript           23       356       936      2347 x   1.48 =        3473.56
make                 39        78         0       406 x   2.50 =        1015.00
Bourne Shell          4        25         3       134 x   3.81 =         510.54
Perl                  1        26        42       127 x   4.00 =         508.00
SUM:                330      7761     24182     55410 x   3.21 =      178130.60

4. Calculate lines of code of Drupal 7

$ cloc --force-lang=PHP,install --force-lang=PHP,module --force-lang=PHP,inc --force-lang=PHP,test --force-lang=PHP,profile --force-lang=Make,info -3 drupal-7.0/
     852 text files.
     847 unique files.
      33 files ignored. v 1.53  T=9.0 s (90.8 files/s, 31723.2 lines/s)
Language          files     blank   comment      code    scale   3rd gen. equiv
PHP                 484     21962     79315    161322 x   3.50 =      564627.00
CSS                 116       810      1098      8909 x   1.00 =        8909.00
Javascript           84       815      2808      5085 x   1.48 =        7525.80
make                108       226         0      1363 x   2.50 =        3407.50
Bourne Shell          8       172         3      1060 x   3.81 =        4038.60
XML                  12         3         0       441 x   1.90 =         837.90
HTML                  3         4         0        69 x   1.90 =         131.10
ASP.Net               1         3         0        40 x   1.29 =          51.60
SQL                   1         0         0         1 x   2.29 =           2.29
SUM:                817     23995     83224    178290 x   3.31 =      589530.79

4. Calculate lines of code of Drupal 8

For the Drupal 8 calculation, I used generally the same cloc configuration that was used form Drupal 7, deciding against spending more time to figure out which of the 662 files were ignored and why.

$ cloc --force-lang=PHP,install --force-lang=PHP,module --force-lang=PHP,inc --force-lang=PHP,test --force-lang=PHP,profile --force-lang=Make,info -3 drupal-8.0.0/
   12141 text files.
   11897 unique files.
     662 files ignored.

1 error:
Line count, exceeded timeout:  drupal-8.0.0/core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/fixtures/drupal6.php v 1.80  T=47.56 s (242.0 files/s, 28795.7 lines/s)
Language          files     blank   comment      code    scale   3rd gen. equiv
PHP                8413    137594    422131    629420 x   3.50 =     2202970.00
YAML               1564      2149      1499     62912 x   0.90 =       56620.80
JavaScript          483      5189     15760     25646 x   1.48 =       37956.08
CSS                 268       761      2151     14911 x   1.00 =       14911.00
Markdown            138      3722         0     11493 x   1.00 =       11493.00
JSON                113        27         0      9447 x   2.50 =       23617.50
Twig                444       312      8192      6429 x   2.00 =       12858.00
XSD                   7       110        28      3129 x   1.90 =        5945.10
XML                  36        19         9      2415 x   1.90 =        4588.50
Bourne Shell         14       290         0      2289 x   3.81 =        8721.09
Ant                  12       102         0       663 x   1.90 =        1259.70
C                     1        52         8       223 x   0.77 =         171.71
HTML                  7         4         0        86 x   1.90 =         163.40
PO File               4        27         0        85 x   1.50 =         127.50
m4                    1        11        11        41 x   1.00 =          41.00
C/C++ Header          1        12         8        40 x   1.00 =          40.00
make                  2         8         0        18 x   2.50 =          45.00
SQL                   1         0         0         1 x   2.29 =           2.29
SUM:              11509    150389    449797    769248 x   3.10 =     2381531.67
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